Pre-sales FAQ, Frequently Asked sales Questions
A web space is the place on the Internet, where your home page and email accounts are placed. For others to be able to send you emails or visit your home page, you need a web space. In other words, it is your web space that keeps your domain running.
With a web space at Tunsnel Communication all co-workers, family members or club members can get their own unique email address. There is no limit to the amount of email addresses that can be created.
Use the web space to promote your company or your club, or put the family’s photo album on the Internet, for distant relatives to enjoy as well.
A web hosting solution with us is in comparison to a free solution 100% free of advertisements. This mean that recipients of your emails and the visitors of your home page only see that, which you have chosen to show. Your personal data will be handled strictly confidentially. There is no risk, that we share your data with others or use them for marketing purposes.
Our solution gives you good possibilities to unfold on the Internet and cover most needs of the professional user as well of those of the home user.
With us you can register your own personal domain. The domain you wish us to register for you will remain your property. You can reach more about this under the heading "Do I own the domain and can I move the domain to a different provider?"
To have ones own domain is to own ones own place on the Internet. When we register a domain for you, you can keep your email and home page address, as long as you wish, because we register the domain in your name. Should you later change to a different web host provider, you are free to take your domain with you.
In spite of the competitive price, the technical quality has never been compromised. We only use suppliers that can show a quality stamp and have exhaustive backup-systems. Servers, server rooms and the bandwidth are monitored around the clock, 365 days a year.
Our backbone is fibre-based with redundant infrastructure.
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